Lucia's Lookout, May 2, 2009
For our next hike we'll be going west to Pillsbury State Park in Washington, New Hampshire. I don't think the park is open yet so there will be no entrance fee.
We'll be doing about an 8.5 mile loop hike up to Lucia's Lookout. It's partially on the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway. Should be fine views from the top. It's also fairly easy with only 900 feet elevation gain and should take about 5 hours total.
I'd say it's a low moderate hike because of distance. If you have the Hiking New Hampshire book it's hike #27. I've never been here but it sounds nice. We'll take Bear Pond Trail up to the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway, then Five Summers Trail (Pamac Trail) down. Pray to the Sun God.
NEXT HIKE: May 2, Lucia's Lookout
MEETING SPOTS: Walmart Newington at 7:00 a.m.
Park and Ride, exit 2 off of Rt. 89 at 8:15 a.m.
HIKE LEADER: Dennis Marchand
Twelve hikers met up at the park for a nice day of hiking. It would have been thirteen and two dogs but Deb was delayed and we never met up.
This is a really nice out-of-the way park with nice campsites, some on the water and even a backpacking campsite. They also rent canoes in season. If you look at the pictures, you'll see it's a nice place for canoeing too.
The park was closed and gated so that added an extra mile each way for us – luckily the 10.5 miles weren't hard miles. Finding the trailhead was a little confusing with no signs until we got to the greenway – good thing I brought the book.
The hike up to the greenway was a steady but not too steep up. Once on the Sunapee-Monadnock Greenway, it was just a walk in the park. Lots of wildflowers coming out; I've never seen so many trilliums. I wouldn't mind just walking back and forth on this section.
The black flies weren't bad all the way up, of course we slathered enough at the beginning to stop any horde. Nearing the lookout it got a bit steep, not very long and we were there. Nice view, good breeze, we even had three turkey vultures soaring overhead.
Back down was a bit mucky and buggy. Off for ice cream at Beech Hill Farm in Hopkinton. Good ice cream with farm animals. Another good hike with excellent weather and company.
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